It is generally understood that one of the greatest dangers on the roadways is the presence of drunk drivers. Now, with many states across the country legalizing the use of marijuana, there is a new danger to consider – truck drivers who are stoned. While the substance is different, the risk is still incredibly high. Truck drivers who drive while stoned pose a huge risk to all of the other vehicles around them.
Especially since truck drivers operate vehicles that are much larger than those around them, the injuries incurred in a collision have the potential to be serious and even life-threatening. For this reason, it’s important to maintain your own safety by understanding how to recognize a potentially stoned truck driver. Unlike a drunk driver, stoned drivers are typically less aggressive, so the signs might vary a bit. A few key signs to watch for include:
If you believe that you are in close proximity to a stoned truck driver, there are a few things that you can do to minimize the risk of an accident and to attempt to keep yourself safe. These include but are not limited to:
When you’ve been injured by a truck driver, it can be challenging to know what steps to take to protect your rights. When a truck driver violates the law and drives after using marijuana, accident victims deserve full compensation for the medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It is important to learn about your right to compensation in your specific case. Contact the experienced team at Lafferty Law to set up a time to discuss your potential claim.