According to the most recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,921 people were killed in large truck/semi truck/tractor trailer accidents in 2012. This is an 8.9% increase from 2011. This doesn’t include the more than 104,000 people who were injured in crashes involving large trucks in 2012, a more than 18% increase from 2011. And, it is expected that this rate will continue to rise with more and more miles being driven by tractor trailers every year.
Despite these astonishing statistics, the federal government has not adjusted the minimum insurance required for truck drivers and trucking companies in more than 30 years. Unfortunately, the cost of medical care, medical devices, wages, and other damages suffered by victims of trucking collisions have inflated over those 30 years. This means that the current minimum limits are essentially less than what they were 30 years ago, since the damages suffered by trucking collision victims and their families are far more than what they were when the legislation was adopted. This puts every driver on the roadway at severe risk of not being fully compensated if injured by the negligence of a truck driver.
What can you do to right this injustice? Simple. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has recently introduced proposed legislation to increase the minimum limits to be more in line with the economics of the real damages suffered by victims of trucking collisions. Currently, the proposed legislation is in a comment period, whereby the FMCSA collects comments from the public in support or in opposition to proposed changes.
We are asking everyone to help protect themselves and their loved ones if they are ever the unfortunate victim of a trucking collision. You can do a lot by showing your support for increased minimum insurance limits required of truck drivers and trucking companies. To do so, follow the applicable link below and let your voice be heard:
For everybody other than truck drivers and lawyers, go
For lawyers, go
This issue is important for truck drivers as well, as their personal assets and savings can be taken to compensate an injured party if their insurance is insufficient to cover the injured person’s damages. Truck drivers can go to:
Time is limited, so don’t delay. Go to the appropriate link above today, and let your government know that you support protecting all drivers by supporting higher minimum insurance limits for truck drivers and trucking companies. Your life and the well-being of your family may just depend on it.
The information contained in this blog post is general information, and should not be treated as legal advice. No attorney/client relationship exists between the reader and Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC without a signed Attorney Contract Agreement of Representation. Each case is unique and past results should not be treated as a guarantee of the results in your case.