If you were injured in an auto accident or some other type of injury event, you could be entitled to compensation from the party who caused your injuries. By filing an Ohio personal injury claim, you can potentially recover compensation for your medical bills, time off work, pain and suffering, and more. Some people assume resolving a personal injury claim on their own is easy to do. However, personal injury claims can be complicated. That is why you need to retain an experienced Ohio personal injury lawyer.
Understandably, a personal injury accident is an emotional experience. You suffered physical pain and emotional trauma. That is why it makes it hard to remain objective when settling your claim. It is hard to stay focused when it is your injuries and finances at stake. When you retain an Ohio personal injury attorney, they will fight for you without letting emotions get in the way. Attorneys are only interested in the facts of the case so they can be impartial.
One of the hardest aspects of a personal injury claim is the negotiations phase. Personal injury attorneys negotiate for a living and have the skills to stand up to insurance adjusters and defense attorneys. Even when an insurance adjuster knows their insured is at fault for your injuries, their job is to save money. They will likely offer you an amount that is far less than your claim is worth. They are not as willing to lowball your attorney, or they know the attorney will take the case to trial if necessary.
Retaining a personal injury attorney can help reduce your stress levels. You can concentrate on your treatment, healing, and getting back to work instead of stressing over your claim. Your attorney will handle all the technical aspects, make sure deadlines are met, and negotiate with the defendant’s insurance company.
One of the main reasons people hire a personal injury lawyer is for their knowledge and experience. Personal injury lawyers deal with these claims daily. They may also know the adjusters and defense attorneys involved. That gives them an advantage in knowing the tricks and techniques insurance companies use to reduce your claim value.
Some people assume they cannot afford a personal injury attorney to represent them with their claim. However, most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. That means your attorney will take a percentage of your settlement or jury award. If you do not receive any compensation, you will not be responsible for the attorney’s fees.
If you were injured in a personal injury incident, contact Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Meet with us to learn more about how we can help you recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries.