
Life Care Planning Strategies After a Catastrophic Injury

HomeBlogPersonal InjuryLife Care Planning Strategies After a Catastrophic Injury

Life Care Planning Strategies After a Catastrophic Injury

April 08, 2015
By jhartle@lgslaw.net

A catastrophic injury will have a long-term and often life-altering impact on the life of the person who was injured. The life care planning process helps put the current and future needs of the injured person and their family into perspective.

People who have suffered the following types of catastrophic injuries might need a life care plan:

The life care planning process includes all of the components of the care and support for the injured person, including:

  • Ongoing medical care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Nursing care in the home
  • Medical equipment in the home
  • Retrofitting rooms to accommodate wheelchairs, gurneys, medical equipment
  • Medical transportation

The life care plan is a tool that is used to describe the patient’s physical limitations, the level of care they will need, and how much that care will cost over the course of the remainder of the person’s life.

The information compiled into the life care plan is part of the injury claims process. Your personal injury attorney will develop financial projections of the costs associated with the injured person’s present and future care. They will factor in the loss of the injured person’s current and future income, pain, suffering and the loss of their enjoyment of life. All of these elements will be factored in to the claim against the negligent party that was at fault in the accident that caused the injury.

A person who has been through a catastrophic injury will never be the same person they were prior to the accident. They may be facing a life of depending on others for their every need, being unable to work, and living each day in pain and with a greatly diminished quality of life. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney who knows how to get results in catastrophic injury cases can make all the difference in the financial recovery you can expect.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, contact us at 419-241-5500 or email us. We are standing by to discuss your case with you. At Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC, we have helped thousands of Ohioans get the restitution they deserve with our 40+ years of experience helping injured victims in Ohio achieve great results.

The information contained in this blog post is general information, and should not be treated as legal advice. No attorney/client relationship exists between the reader and Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC without a signed Attorney Contract Agreement of Representation. Each case is unique and past results should not be treated as a guarantee of the results in your case.






