
INJURED IN A SLIP AND FALL? You need Lafferty Gallagher & Scott fighting for you

HomeBlogPremise LiabilityINJURED IN A SLIP AND FALL? You need Lafferty Gallagher & Scott fighting for you

INJURED IN A SLIP AND FALL? You need Lafferty Gallagher & Scott fighting for you

October 19, 2015
By jhartle@lgslaw.net

Store owners and other commercial property owners enjoy a lot of protections under Ohio law. They have no duty to protect their customers from dangerous conditions which the customer knew about or should have known about. And even when the customer is not aware of the dangerous condition, the store owner has no duty to protect or warn their customers about a dangerous condition unless the store knew about it or should have known about it.

Slip and fall cases are among some of the most difficult cases to pursue in Ohio because of the protections afforded property occupiers and owners under the law. But, when a store creates a dangerous condition, such as mopping a floor without placing a wet floor warning sign, they may be responsible for any injuries caused by the dangerous condition.

Some of the most common examples of dangerous conditions that a business owner/occupier is responsible for include:

  • Mopped floors without warning signs
  • Untreated spills by customers that were discovered or should have been discovered by the store employees
  • Poorly designed/located displays
  • Uneven flooring
  • Unnatural accumulations of snow and/or ice
  • Insufficient or non-existent lighting
  • Unsecured or improperly secured overhead signs and displays
  • Unsafe means of entering/exiting

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a slip, trip or fall at a business, it is very important that you contact the skilled premise liability attorneys at Lafferty Gallagher & Scott, LLC as soon as possible. We have handled hundreds of slip/trip and fall cases, and have recovered millions of dollars for injured Ohioans with our over 41 years of experiencing representing injured people. We have the knowledge and experience to help you get the recovery that you deserve. Contact us Monday through Friday at 419-241-5500 or 24 hours a day, seven days a week by email by clicking here.

The information contained in this blog post is general information, and should not be treated as legal advice. No attorney/client relationship exists between the reader and Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC without a signed Attorney Contract Agreement of Representation. Each case is unique and past results should not be treated as a guarantee of the results in your case.






