If you have been injured in an accident that was no fault of your own, it is important that you speak with an Ohio personal injury attorney. There is no legal requirement that you work with an attorney after an accident, but studies have shown that victims who work with a lawyer on their side obtain much more in damages than those who do not. Below, our Ohio personal injury attorney explains why you need sound legal advice after an accident.
Before you file a claim, a full investigation into the accident must be conducted. Most accident victims do not know how to conduct these investigations, and they are impossible to participate in while you are recovering from serious injuries. A lawyer will conduct an investigation by interviewing witnesses, collecting physical evidence, and investigating any other party involved in the crash.
Many different parties can be liable after an accident. These include negligent motorists, building owners or managers, nursing home staff members and administrators, medical professionals, trucking companies, and other parties. Determining who is liable for paying damages is challenging. A lawyer will know how to identify all liable parties and hold them accountable for paying the full compensation that is justly yours. A lawyer will also defend against comparative fault claims that could reduce your total damages.
You know that you have already incurred ambulance costs, hospitalization expenses, and other medical fees. You may also know that you can include these in your claim for damages. A lawyer, however, will fully understand the extent of your injuries and the possible treatment you will need. Only then can you include future costs for physical therapy, the loss of earning capacity if you cannot return to the same line of work, and other future losses in your claim.
Calculating economic damages that have a concrete dollar value is fairly straightforward. However, you can also claim non-economic damages, which are not as easy to quantify. Common non-economic damages include pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life. A lawyer will know how to accurately calculate these damages so you obtain the full settlement to which you are entitled.
The vast majority of personal injury cases are settled outside of the courtroom, typically during negotiations between a lawyer and the insurance company. Most accident victims do not have the necessary experience to negotiate effectively, but this is something lawyers do regularly. When negotiations are unsuccessful, you may have to take the liable party to trial, and having legal counsel by your side at this point is critical to your case.
If you have been hurt in an accident, do not file a claim on your own. At Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC, our Ohio personal injury lawyer can handle every aspect of your claim so you only have to focus on getting better. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more.