Nursing home injuries are a problem that has grown to almost unmanageable proportions. Â Though a mere 5% of our senior citizens live in nursing homes, the facilities account for 20% of accidents and falls among the elderly. Annually, nearly 2,000 residents in nursing homes die as a result of injuries sustained when falling. Many more suffer from other complications as a result of their fall. Although not all accidents are preventable, nursing homes should offer comprehensive training to their staff and installing safety systems in an effort to reduce the risk of injury among their residents.
The elderly residents of nursing homes are injured at a much higher rate than those who opt not to live in senior care facilities. One of the primary reasons for this is that nursing home residents tend to be older and are more likely to be ill or physically fragile than those who choose to stay outside of a nursing home. However, this separation in lifestyle choice does not explain the enormous discrepancy in the rate of injury.
Below are a few significant facts about injuries that take place in nursing homes:
The residents of nursing homes are more fragile and less mobile than their counterparts in the general population. The weakness of muscle and trouble walking make them more prone to injury. Also, nursing home residents are likely to be on medication and are often overmedicated. Â Those who take anti-anxiety prescriptions, sedatives, and antipsychotics are more likely to experience an accident.
Other contributing factors include hazards and physical obstacles in the facility. Tight staircases, wet floors, steep gradations, beds that are too high, obstructions in the hallways, and improper lighting plague the nursing home community in one combination or another.
Then there is the lack of empathy by many on the medical staff. Â Neglect and lack of attention run rampant in nursing home communities. Â Many facilities do not have enough staff to address the needs of the residents. Â Without adequate staff, carefully monitoring residents is difficult, to say the least.
In cases involving abuse or neglect in a nursing home, our nursing home injury lawyers will notify the senior care facility of any pending allegations against them. Typically, organizations responsible for overseeing the operation of nursing homes will want to settle out of court. In settling the case, the party who has sustained injury can recover damages for their losses, pain, and suffering.
Whether negotiating a settlement or going to trial, we will not hesitate to take the biggest company to court. If you feel a loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home, call (419) 241-5500 to schedule a free consultation. Or click here to set up an appointment to speak with one of our attorneys. Â Â Â Â Â
All of our partners are AV Peer Review Rated* through Martindale-Hubbell. Out-of-state referrals are welcome for all
areas of practice we handle, including personal injury, workers’ compensation and insurance claims issues.