
What to do if You were Broadsided on Your Motorcycle

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What to do if You were Broadsided on Your Motorcycle

May 29, 2018
By jhartle@lgslaw.net

While motorcyclists can be involved in a wide range of accidents, some of the most serious are t-bone collisions, or broadside accidents. T-bone accidents are dangerous for drivers, but are doubly so for motorcyclists who do not have the benefit of airbags or seat belts and are instead forced to absorb the full impact of the collision. For this reason, injuries are often extremely serious and can even leave injured parties permanently disabled or struggling with chronic pain for the rest of their lives. Treating these types of injuries can financially overwhelm victims and their families, making it especially important for those who are injured in broadside collisions to consult with a motorcycle accident attorneys about filing a claim against the at-fault party.

What is a Broadside Accident?

Broadside motorcycle accidents occur when a rider is struck from the side by another car. These kinds of collisions can occur anywhere, but are especially common when a vehicle traveling perpendicular to a motorcyclist strikes him or her in an intersection. These types of collisions are usually the result of:

  • A driver’s failure to yield;
  • A motorist’s distraction causing him or her to ignore traffic signals;
  • Poor visibility; or
  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

When one or more of these behaviors lead to an accident, the injured party could collect compensation to cover the cost of medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.

Common Injuries

Whether or not they were caused by a failure to yield or a motorist’s distraction, motorcycle broadside accidents usually result in serious injuries, as motorcyclists are largely unprotected from impact. For example, motorcyclists are particularly at risk of sustaining lower limb injuries, such as fractures of the hips, feet, and legs. It is also not uncommon for broadside accident victims to sustain spinal cord damage, which in turn, could result in nerve pain, paralysis, and limited mobility, as well as organ damage. Furthermore, because the accidents often occur at relatively high speeds, riders are often thrown from their seats, leaving them vulnerable to injury from striking the road, which can result in lacerations, head trauma, and soft tissue injuries. Head trauma, in particular, can have devastating consequences for victims, especially for those who were not wearing a helmet at the time of their crash.

Treating these types of serious injuries is usually painful, but also expensive, as injured parties often have to pay for extensive diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans, as well as emergency treatment, ambulance services, surgery, follow-up appointments, physical therapy, and prescription medications. Those suffering from permanent disability as a result of their accident may also require special medical devices and nursing care. These costs, as well as expenses related to lost wages and pain and suffering are all compensable for successful plaintiffs.

Get Legal Advice Today

At Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC, we are dedicated to helping our clients obtain the compensation that they deserve. To learn more about how we can help you with your own motorcycle accident claim, please call us at 419-241-5500 or send us an online message today.






