

Toledo Disfigurement Lawyers

Workplace accidents can result in a variety of different types of injuries. For example, a slip and fall accident could lead to a broken leg, while working near loud machinery over a period of time can cause permanent hearing loss. While these types of injuries can have serious consequences for workers, some of these most painful injuries involve disfigurement. Fortunately, employees who suffer disfiguring injuries may be eligible to collect a lump sum payment in addition to partial disability payments. To learn more about filing a claim for a disfiguring injury that you sustained on the job, please call an experienced workers’ compensation attorney today.

Facial Disfigurement

In Ohio, employees who suffer from facial disfigurement as a result of a workplace accident are eligible to collect benefits under the state’s workers’ compensation program. Unlike other injuries, which are compensated through weekly payments over a period of time, facial disfigurement injuries are compensated through a one-time payment. However, in order to receive this type of award, an employee must have suffered serious and visible facial or head disfigurement as a result of an occupational disease or workplace injury that:

  • Impairs a person’s ability to secure employment; or
  • May impair a person’s opportunities to retain or secure employment in the future.

Even when an employee is gainfully employed at the time of a claim determination, he or she will not be barred from collecting an award. In fact, under Ohio law, it is not material whether an injured worker is employed or not when the workers’ compensation bureau administrator makes his or her determination.

While the amount that an injured party is able to receive depends on the severity of the injury, the maximum amount that he or she will be able to collect is $10,000. Fortunately, this award can be supplemented by other types of partial disability compensation or scheduled loss awards.

Partial Disability Payments

In addition to a lump-sum payment for facial disfigurement, injured employees may also be eligible to collect partial disability payments. These payments will not begin until at least 26 weeks have passed since the date of the employee’s injury, at which point the injured worker can request a determination of his or her percentage of permanent partial disability. After a hearing and a medical examination, a district officer will determine the employee’s percentage of disability based on his or her level of permanent impairment. This percentage will then dictate how long an injured worker can collect benefits. Once this has been determined, the employee will receive sixty-six and two-thirds percent of his or her average weekly wage, per week for the predetermined amount of time. For example, those who lose a hand can expect to collect compensation for 175 weeks.

In the event that an injured employee passes away before receiving all of his or her rewards, then his or her surviving spouse or dependent children can collect the remaining unpaid installments.

Call Today to Learn More About Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

At Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott, LLC, we understand that suffering a disfiguring injury can take a serious physical, emotional, and financial toll and so dedicate ourselves to helping relieve our clients of some of their burdens by aggressively representing their interests, whether in settlement proceedings or the courtroom. To learn more about your own legal options, please call us today.



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